Some say, “I am not voting for Trump because it doesn’t matter in my state.” Here’s why they’re wrong.

People in blue states, especially high-population blue states like New York and California have essentially no chance of seeing a Republican presidential candidate win their state. As a result, many do not vote, or choose to vote for a third party candidate.

There is a grave danger in this that these people overlook: the undermining of the Electoral College. People often adopt the attitude of voting for someone else because “It doesn’t matter in my state.” The problem with this thinking is that many people DO pay attention to the popular vote and they are swayed by the argument to abolish the Electoral College on this basis. If Republicans in blue states don’t vote for Trump, they are adding fodder to the leftists who are trying to abolish the electoral college.

One of the excuses that people use to not vote for Trump has to do with Trump’s personality and character. We need to remember that people change. Has Trump changed at all? I am sure that he has in some ways. Some people want to look at all his sins over his lifetime and say: “That is Trump.” They reject him on this basis. In the area of Character, we need to consider how he is presently, and not be swayed by people who want to point out every sin in the man’s lifetime.

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